Protecting the Environment

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Protecting the environment and our natural resources is a key aspect of our operations at Data Entry UK

We recycle all paper and encourage our clients not to have the documents returned so they can go to our secure recyling for Protecting the environment.

Document Recycling

All documents received from clients for data capture are disposed of in a safe and secure manor. Following keying, documents are re-located to our secure warehouse and labelled with the destruction date. For Protecting the environment.

Every other week a Department of the Environment accredited sub-contractor shreds the documents under the supervision of a senior member of staff. The waste is hauled away, hydraulically pulped and recycled.

We receive a waste transfer note for each destruction session.

Green Electronics Recycling

All office waste of an electrical nature, for example, terminals, fluorescent tubes and keyboards are disposed of according to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive.

Computers have the hard disks removed and destroyed prior to disposal. Again all are disposed of in accordance to the WEEE directive.

Electric Company Vehicles

The fleet of Data Entry UK vehicles are all Electric/hybrid.

Printing Materials

All printer cartridges are returned for re-manufacturing.

Bringing Shine to your life. Bringing the power of the sun to you. Clean and safe energy, the solar energy. Clean energy for a bright future.

Solar Powered

We are just installing a 48 panel solar farm in the site of our offices so we can generate our own electricity.   As our business is all about electric,  nothing will work without it we took the big step forward to pay out for a solar farm bigger than most have in their street.  We are very excited about the prospect of not only saving the environment but also in reducing out energy bills by about £250 a month. We may even be able to sell some back to the grid which will be amazing.

We will have to change the way we use the electric,  using high capacity equipment during the day and not at night when the sun is out, but if we have any problems we will have batteries to store the excess.

We are Ecofriendly we are earth-friendly . We are self sustainable.